Stress-Free IEP™: Frances Shefter is an Education Attorney and Advocate who is committed to helping her clients have a Stress-Free IEP experience. In each podcast, Frances interviews inspiring people to share Stress-Free IEP™: Frances Shefter is an Education Attorney and Advocate who is committed to helping her clients have a Stress-Free IEP experience. In each podcast, Frances interviews inspiring people to share
I know it has been a while since I have blogged and I have several great reasons. 1. We are growing!!! I am so happy to announce that I hired an Education Advocate,
There is a reason that IDEA requires a reevaluation every three years. A lot of times I have seen schools say to parents, your child still qualifies for special education and his/her needs
§300.320(a)(4) of IDEA says that each child's IEP must contain a statement of supplementary aids and services. §300.42 defines supplementary aids and services as "aids, services, and other supports that are provided in
I am excited to let you all know about new services I am offering, Strategy Sessions and Strategy Sessions with Document Review. These sessions can save you time and money and help get
I'm going to tell you a secret that schools don't want you to know. Three little letters P. W. N., Prior Written Notice. Prior written notice is when you ask the IEP team
Back to school, yay!! It has been a rough 18 months for all of us, and a rocky start of the new school year in Montgomery County. But, we made it through the
The World of Possibilities Disabilities Expo is being held on October 23, 2021 at the Amuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, University of Maryland. It is an event designed to bring people with disabilities,
I hate when schools start meetings and just keep going instead of checking for understanding. As educators, you would think they know better. Unfortunately, teachers and service providers sometimes forget that the parents
Part eight of the IEP is often neglected. This is your child's transition services. IDEA requires that transition services be included in the IEP during the year that your child turns 16, Maryland