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Triennial Reevaluation

February 4, 2022 Frances 0 Comments

There is a reason that IDEA requires a reevaluation every three years. A lot of times I have seen schools say to parents, your child still qualifies for special education and his/her needs have not changed, right? So, there is no reason to evaluate, right? WRONG!! Schools will sometimes convince parents that evaluations are not needed. It is not because service providers are lazy, but because they are over worked. The problem is that a proper IEP cannot be developed without having current present levels. The in class assessments or county-wide assessments are just not enough. Do not let the school convince you that evaluations are not needed.

There are several evaluations that can be requested. There should be an IEP team discussion about three to four months before the reevaluation is due. If the school does not plan one, request one. Sometimes schools will agree to do evaluations without a meeting, and that is fine if you feel the suggested evaluations are enough. How do you know whether the school is suggesting enough? I strongly recommend cognitive and academic in almost all cases. Here are some additional areas to consider based on your child’s needs.

  • Speech and Language -expressive language, receptive language, nonverbal communication and gesture, pragmatic and figurative language, articulation
  • Occupational Therapy – sensory issues, handwriting concerns, body awareness, balance
  • Adaptive skills – communication, functional academics, daily living skills, self-care
  • Autism Rating Scales – interpersonal relationships, emotional responses, ability to adapt to change, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and sensory perception
  • Social/Emotional Rating Scales – managing emotions, social relationships
  • Physical Therapy – gross motor skills, coordination, motor and self-care function, assistive technology

This is not an exhaustive list. These are just some areas to consider. How do you know what areas? Review former evaluations, IEPs and ask questions. Think about areas that your child struggles in school, home and the community. Ask the school staff at the meeting what assessments are available to evaluate your specific areas of concern. If you are still not sure, contact my office to schedule a strategy session so we can discuss options.


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