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Return to In Person Learning

March 26, 2021 Frances 0 Comments

Yay! Some of your children are going back to school. I know it has been a rough year and those children that are returning to in person learning are super excited. And so are their families! But, parents have a very importatnt task for their children that have IEPs. Did you know that your child’s school is required to hold an IEP meeting when your child returns to in person learning? Yep. Required.

Back in April of 2020 the Maryland State Department of Ed put out Technical Assistant Bulletin #20-01. It was revised in October, 2020. However, one thing that stayed the same, the Maryland State Department is requiring that IEP teams meet for every student when the student returns to in person learning. At that IEP meeting, the team needs to discuss whether there was a decline in your child’s abilities or a lack of progress towards your child’s IEP goals. If your child did decline OR had a lack of progress, then the school needs to give you compensatory education. For more details you can watch my video titled Return to In Person Learning Equals IEP Meetings for All.

If you think your child has declined or had a lack of progress, or if you’re not sure, please call my firm to schedule a consultation. Additionally, if your school refuses to hold the IEP meeting or you just want support to attend the meeting with you, please call my firm to schedule a consultation.

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110 N Washington St., Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850 info@shefterlaw.com (301) 605-7303