Who qualifies for special education services?

Special education is for students who have disabilities that make learning or participating in school harder than it is for other kids. Disabilities that may qualify include:

  • Learning differences, like dyslexia

  • Speech or language challenges

  • Autism

  • Emotional or behavioral difficulties

  • Physical or intellectual disabilities

  • Health conditions, like ADHD

But having a disability isn’t always enough. The disability must seriously affect the child’s ability to learn or participate in school.

If a child qualifies, they’ll get an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This is a personalized plan that sets learning goals and explains what support the child will get—like extra time on tests, special teaching strategies, or therapies. The purpose of special education is to make sure kids get the help they need to thrive in school.

At Shefter Law, we help families understand if their child might qualify for special education. We walk parents through the process step-by-step, so they feel confident about their child’s rights and the resources available to them.

Check out this video for more helpful insights:

110 N Washington St., Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850 info@shefterlaw.com (301) 605-7303