Empowering Parents in Special Education: A Conversation with Daniela Feldhausen

September 20, 2024 Video Socials 0 Comments

Stress-Free IEP® with Frances Shefter, Episode 70

Introduction to Kids Up Reading Coaches

Navigating the realm of special education can be daunting for parents as they seek to ensure the best possible support for their children. This show draws insights from Daniela Feldhausen, founder and instructor at Kids Up Reading Coaches, who transitioned from a legal career to teaching dyslexic students. Her unique approach underscores the need for specialized reading interventions that can transform learning outcomes for children with learning differences.

From Lawyer to Educator: The Birth of Kids Up Reading Coaches

Daniela Feldhausen’s journey from a seasoned lawyer to a passionate educator stemmed from her desire to make a substantive difference in children’s lives, especially those struggling with reading. Her experience with her own child’s reading challenges ignited her interest in teaching dyslexic students, prompting her to pursue a Master’s degree in Special Education and training in the Orton-Gillingham approach.

Expanding Impact: The Growth of Kids Up Reading Coaches

Recognizing the widespread need for specialized reading instruction, Daniela expanded her initiative from a solo endeavor to a robust team. This team includes PhD students in linguistics, aspiring speech-language pathologists, and future teachers, all trained to provide high-quality, individualized tutoring. This model not only helps students but also equips future educators with the skills to support diverse learners effectively.

Learn more about Kids Up Reading Coaches and their programs

The Challenges of Teaching Dyslexic Students

Teaching dyslexic students requires a distinct approach that traditional reading curriculums do not always accommodate. Daniela emphasizes that effective instruction for dyslexic learners can benefit all students, as it involves explicit teaching of phonics and comprehension strategies that are universally effective. However, many educators lack training in these specialized techniques, underscoring the need for professional development and systemic change within educational institutions.

Why Private Tutoring is Essential

Despite the best efforts of schools, the structure of traditional classrooms and the constraints on special education resources often mean that students with dyslexia do not receive the intensive support they need. Private tutoring can bridge this gap by providing targeted, intensive instruction that is tailored to the unique needs of each student, which is often not feasible in a school setting due to logistical and time constraints.

Looking Towards a Future of Better Support

Daniela is optimistic about the future, citing legislative advances and growing awareness that are leading to better early screening and teacher training. These changes promise a future where fewer children will need intensive intervention outside of school settings.

Empowering Through Education

Daniela Feldhausen and Kids Up Reading Coaches represent a beacon of hope for parents navigating the complex landscape of special education. By providing specialized training to both students and future educators, they are laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and effective educational system.

For those seeking guidance or support in special education, reaching out to specialized tutors and advocates can be an excellent step towards ensuring educational success for all students, regardless of their learning differences.

Discover more resources and connect with experts in special education

Check a related Podcast/blog here: Evaluating Your Special Needs Child with Dr. Ken Stefano.

For a short video about special education click here: Frances Shefter: Let’s change the stigma of the “Special Education” title!


Learn more about Daniela Feldhausen:


Stress-Free IEP®:

Frances Shefter is an Education Attorney and Advocate who is committed to helping her clients have a Stress-Free IEP® experience. In each podcast, Frances interviews inspiring people to share information, educate you, empower you and help you get the knowledge you need.

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